Top10 Board


Top 10 Rewards 
No.1 - R200 off
No.2 - R100 off
No.3 - R50 off

Rewards are per student, based on the monthly board & based on your Vocabulary Tests & Memrise Leaderboard. Darksoul Vocab tests is x3 higher points.

Updated Date : 22nd 07:45
Current Leader board link(need to login) with screenshot below.

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Below here is more Top10 Board information.

Q&A :

How does memrise scoring system work?

Rewards ability over achievement. Each word correct gives you a point but large amount of points are given because of streaks. Meaning you will dislike this application if you want to have the ability without proficiency… If you put in routine studies you will enjoy the application while if you just want to feel good about your progress you will hate this application.

What is the cut off point for top10 score capturing for each month?

Every month 24th @8am

Vocab testing is from the 1st – 24th.

How to get high Memrise Scores ?

Try to use Anki ni dou (how to memorize) page(from extra content that is shared upon your first set of lessons) and put more effort into how you study the words so you will recall them more efficiently.

Random Facts

Rotate your phone and click full screen icon to expand video size.(related to video)

Japanese Schooling System vs JLPT / N Levels Exam System.

Please note this is an estimation and not an 100% accurate but very close.

If you would like to measure your fluency you can use the below measures to rank yourself. MNN=Minna No Nihongo Textbook

Cambridge levels vs JLPT

A1 = N5 ½ (Easy Japanese)

A2 = N5 (Easy Japanese)

A2 = N4 (Easy Japanese)

B1 = N3 (Medium Hard Japanese)

B2 = N2 (Hard Japanese)

C2 = N1 (Very Hard Japanese)